The Hybrid Worker Malaise The New York Times

The CEO of SafetyWing, Sondre Rasch interviews remote founders and thought leaders in the Building Remotely podcast. They primarily discuss building and scaling a remote company and the challenges faced while doing so. Some of the popular topics are Relocation of Remote Workers, Healthy Meeting Culture, Organizing Team Gatherings, etc. You working from home podcast can listen to their inspiring stories and learn about various initiatives and resources in the tech industry. Access them on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast. There is a “proximity bias” at play, where remote workers are disadvantaged due to the relationships and serendipitous interactions that typically occur in the office.

And secondly, you can hire at least nationally, or if not internationally—depends on the way you’re set up. Particularly think of your tech firm out in Silicon Valley. You can hire certainly across the US, and I remember talking to one exec and they were saying, “We’re hiring in Nigeria and Bulgaria and Mexico.” Just globally. So, Michael, me and you having a one-on-one now, this actually works fine, maybe it’s even easier, where there’s peace and quiet.

Remote Work Life

But if you go back, there’s data going back, like, over 2,000 years, so it was very, very low. People in England in 1700 were not dramatically richer than people in 0 AD. One of the things—for example, I work with Lazard. And they try and be fully in person Tuesday to Thursday internationally, and remote Monday and Friday. That means if you’re going to have a meeting with five people across five different offices, it makes sense to do it on a Monday and Friday.

  • They will teach you how to balance your working life with your home life and how to stay productive.
  • We’re still making progress, it’s just at a slower rate than in the ’80s, and a much slower rate than the ’50s.
  • You’ll never see your job the same way again, whether by discovering how to love your competitors or mastering the power of frustration.
  • But in the hybrid world, you’re not around them in the same normal ways that we’ve gotten used to.
  • In Africa, it’s maybe gone from more like 2 to 10 percent.

Black Tech Unplugged is a great podcast about tech innovation from an alternative point of view. One of the perks of working remotely is choosing your schedule and building your habits. These podcasts can be a resource for your knowledge and skills. You can also choose podcasts that can be a resource of entertainment. You’ll learn from them how to manage your time effectively when working from home. Remote work had been on the rise, even before Covid-19 forced many businesses to do remote work systems.

Transform Your Remote Meetings Through Facilitation Training with Voltage Control’s CEO, Douglas Ferguson – ep. 070

And meanwhile, their bosses are looking at them and saying, well, we’re not just going to have you come here and do your jobs. I mean, other people seem to be really enjoying it. They had all been practicing and building up toward their headstands, which I definitely did not join, because this was my day one and also my last day in the yoga front. The workweek just used to have a structure for people.

We’ll talk about all aspects of life and work with interesting and creative people. I’ve worked some version of hybrid or remote since 2012, chatting is my super power. The host of Building Remote Teams podcast Jevin Maltais talks about his experience of managing a 50-person remote team since 2010. The show tackles tough issues like loneliness, not being involved in decision-making, time tracking, and teaches executives how to build a remote team and manage it successfully. You can listen to them on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Get Hired in 2023: The Best Paying Remote Jobs in FinTech

The Future of Work Change is designed for professionals looking to hire talent, build a strategic workforce, and learn about the latest tools. Learn from business leaders about various approaches to remote workforce management, flexible workforce solutions, and optimize how work gets done now and in the future. It is one of the best podcasts for working from home. So if you can do that—I had a call earlier today, actually, with Steve Davis, who’s talking about deep-sea oil exploration. There used to be these folks that would go down and had to be there and looking at the camera feeds and the drilling stuff and actually measuring it. Soon as the pandemic happened, they couldn’t leave, and they’re actually doing it from their living rooms.

Podcasts for Remote Workers

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